• As on ,
  • All Prices are in INR

Nifty SME Emerge Index is designed to reflect the performance of a portfolio of eligible small and medium enterprises that are listed on NSE Emerge platform. The index constituents are weighted based on free float market capitalization.

The index has a base date of December 01, 2016 and a base value of 1000

To form part of the Nifty SME Emerge, stocks should qualify the following eligibility criteria:
Stocks should be listed under NSE Emerge platform
At the time of quarterly review, stocks should have traded for a minimum of 25% of trading days subject to a minimum of 10 trading days during the previous 3 months
Minimum number of constituents in the index is 20

Index is reconstituted on a quarterly basis

Symbol LTP %Change
  • {{row.symbol}} {{row.ltP}}


Price as of

Symbol LTP %Change
  • {{row.symbol}} {{row.ltP}}


Price as of

Sectoral Distribution

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Data as on March 21, 2025