• As on ,
  • All Prices are in INR

Nifty T-Bills Indices consist of 6 indices which individually track the performance of 'on-the-run' T-bill representing 5 distinct maturity segment (30 day, 60 day,91 day, 182 day and 1 year) and aggregated performance across maturities through an all maturity index.


  • 5 distinct maturity based indices represent performance of T-Bill of 30-days, 60-days, 91-days, 182-days and 1-year maturity
  • Nifty All Maturity T-Bill Index represents the aggregated performance of 3 distinct maturity (91-days, 182-days and 1-year) based T-Bill indices
  • Based on a well-defined, market relevant and rules-based framework,the indices are transparent and objective indicator of corporate bond market performance
  • The indices are rebalanced and reconstituted on a weekly basis